I want to change for the new year
I think I already did
I tell my therapist
I feel different
I feel like the world is spinning
just left of center
In a good way
I say
My friend asks me
Aren’t you sad
Aren’t you heartbroken
Don’t you grieve what made you change
I ask myselfÂ
Are you sad
Are you heartbroken
I find a gust of wind instead
I’m relieved
I tell her
I can’t believe I made it this far
But sometimes the world tilts back
like yesterday
spinning around my head
like it always did
I record a ten minute voice memo
for the same friend
then delete it
not wanting the evidenceÂ
of the unchanged self
I wake in the morning and make a smoothie
and on the drive to workÂ
on glossy winter roads
I think of how good my belly feels
to be holding half an avocado
one and a half bananas
a cup of oat milk
and a teaspoon of matcha
I thinkÂ
Oh yea
This is different
I am changed
not because my new self
is a blissful stranger
but because when my worlds collide
I make a smoothie
take deep breaths
write and writeÂ
record voice memos
then delete them
go to bed
and wake up feeling tender
In a good way
I say
Talk soon,
The Recommends: The book, Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle by Emily and Amelia Nagoski.